Premier League and Pints

Can Chelsea Still Make It To Europe?

April 11, 2024 Premier League and Pints
Can Chelsea Still Make It To Europe?
Premier League and Pints
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Premier League and Pints
Can Chelsea Still Make It To Europe?
Apr 11, 2024
Premier League and Pints

In this week's pod, Dan and Garrett run the show as a duo. Chelsea drop points to Shitfield at the death. Arsenal and City take care of business while Liverpool drop points to a lucky Manchester United - which make the title race even more interesting. Villa had a 20 minute lapse and it costed them two points and a Clayton heart attack. Things are getting interesting all throughout the table as we approach the end of the season.

Show Notes

In this week's pod, Dan and Garrett run the show as a duo. Chelsea drop points to Shitfield at the death. Arsenal and City take care of business while Liverpool drop points to a lucky Manchester United - which make the title race even more interesting. Villa had a 20 minute lapse and it costed them two points and a Clayton heart attack. Things are getting interesting all throughout the table as we approach the end of the season.